After the Brisbane leg of ‘House of Bacardi’ saw over 1000 punters descend upon the event – one that showed the alcohol giant truly were changemakers and luminaries in the nightlife scene – the rolling tour is just one day shy of taking over Melbourne. With a plan to spend their summer supporting those […]
The ‘Creative’ First Year Undergraduate
What a mind-boggling, precariously balanced stage of life this is, especially for those studying a degree with few, if any, job prospects at the end. This period is made even more fractious given undergrads are just a tad past adolescence and a thousand seriously wrong decisions away from being a grown-up. Maybe I’m over-pessimistic in my views […]
Bro With The Famous Mullet Didn’t Get Any Defamation Dollars
Ziggy Mosslmani has an absolute belter of a mullet. Like, one of the most serious mullets I’ve ever seen. If you hadn’t mulleted before and you saw this mullet a Commodore V8 would run you over. Understatements aside, Mooslmani does have the world’s worst mullet, and when he got turnt at an 18th birthday party in […]
Raised By A Mother With Mental Illness
Mental Health Week (or month) runs in early October, with dates varied depending on location. During October, YFH will use its platform to raise awareness on the issue. Get help here. If you’d like to share your story, anonymously or openly, click here. It will help someone. _________ Growing up with a parent suffering from a mental […]
I’ll Always Be A One Night Stand
A Letter To Myself About Mental Illness
Mental Health Week (or month) runs in early October, with dates varied depending on location. During October, YFH will use its platform to raise awareness on the issue. Get help here. If you’d like to share your story, anonymously or openly, click here. It will help someone. _________ In honour of #mentalhealthweek (or month) I want to give […]
Bacardi Are Adding Some Serious Kick To Australian Nightlife
Whenever someone whines about Brisbane being behind the times, I always think about our burgeoning nightlife scene. In the face of stringent laws, lockout policies and other things that old people think are a good idea, we’ve produced some world-class talent. On top of that, we’ve held some of the most epic parties in Australia […]
You Told Me To Go
This Barbie Is Batshit Insane And You Need Her In Your Life
Depending on who you follow, Instagram can be a continuous loop of selfies and acai bowls, or a magical playground of creative fun. Accounts like Tony Futura and Tax Collection get us double tapping on the regular, but it would be criminal not to talk about the wonders of Trophy Wife Barbie. Having found her […]