In this current economic climate, it’s becoming harder and harder for young people to find jobs. Faced with employers wanting 30 years experience in a role that hasn’t existed for six months and competing for jobs with those who are way more qualified, we’re definitely getting shafted with the pointy end of the stick.
The only solution is to turn to jobs that we have vast experience and skill in. Speaking of which, researchers at Washington State University are keen to pay people to smoke weed in a study to develop a breathalyser for pot.
As part of the study, volunteers will be quizzed about food, drink and other edibles they consumed before being asked to give preliminary blood, breath and oral fluid samples at a local hospital.
Participants will then be asked to purchase from a state-licensed weed store and then blaze up at home until they deem themselves high enough. After that, they’ll head back to the hospital by taxi to give more bodily samples.
As an optional step, volunteers can decide whether they want to interact with law enforcement to allow them to conduct a standard field sobriety test. Even though weeds legal over there I doubt too many stoners will be putting their hand up to be a guinea pig.
If successful, the study could aid in the development of a field procedure for the detection of the presence of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, and eventually, help prevent vehicle accidents or deaths due to drug-impaired driving.
Volunteers will rake in a cool $30 an hour for the first hour and a cheeky 10 bucks for every additional hour of participation. Not bad for saying you’ll be kicking back and chuffing a few cones for science.
Washington State University Professor Emeritus Nicholas Lovrich hopes that the study could help prevent vehicle accidents or deaths due to drug-impaired driving. He also believes that if the study goes well then the university’s administration will reckon “Wow, that’s a pretty good investment. Maybe we should keep investing in medicines and then tools that people need for workplace and school and roadside safety.”
However, budding entrepreneur Jordan Morris believes that we won’t be getting breathalysed anytime soon. “Scientifically you can analyse how much marijuana is in someone’s system but you can’t necessarily detect the level of influence.” He went on to say that “With alcohol, there are a number of variables which you can plot to determine how drunk someone will be, but marijuana affects everyone differently.”
If you’re keen on getting paid to play the Gatorade saxophone, just make the convenient trip over to the states rake in a different kind of green.
Source: Spokesman
Image: RawStory
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